A Conversation for Mitch Benn:Satirical Musician

Mitch Benn is the best!

Post 1


I lovimm! Glad to see you took the time to do a little post on him. I'd just like to add, that he's also on 'It's Been a Bad Week', which is pretty much the Now Show except it's on another station, and Jammin', with Rowland Rivron.

Mitch Benn is the best!

Post 2


Wow, which station? I'm glad to have finally found someone else who likes Mitch Benn, as I only have one friend who ever really listens to the radio.smiley - biggrin

Mitch Benn is the best!

Post 3


The Now show on 4, badweek on 2, jammin on no-where currently, but when it's back, I'll get back.

Mitch Benn is the best!

Post 4



Mitch Benn is the best!

Post 5


I'm keeping my ear on the schedules.

Mitch Benn is the best!

Post 6


Hmm... I think that it's actually "....coldplay now"

Mitch Benn is the best!

Post 7


What is? Which? Who? Why?

By the way, have you heard they're doing another series of crimes against music, to be aired in the spring.

Mitch Benn is the best!

Post 8


No I hadn't, thanky muchly.

Mitch Benn is the best!

Post 9


You should really put that in the entry.

Mitch Benn is the best!

Post 10


Good point.

Mitch Benn is the best!

Post 11


And you have. Yay!

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