Mitch Benn:Satirical Musician

2 Conversations

Mitch Benn is, I believe, the ultimate musical satirist. He plays the guitar, and he can mimic just about any style of music. He has a band called The Distractions, featuring Tash Baylis (drums and percussion) and Kirsty Newton (bass and keyboards). He has released 4 CDs (3 albums-Radio Face, Too Late to Cancel, and Crimes Against Music-and a single-Everything Sounds Like Coldplay), done numerous stage acts, and has done a show on BBC Radio 4, called Mitch Benn's Crimes Against Music, which will be broadcasting its third series in spring 2006. He also appears on Radio 4's The Now Show, and It's Been a Bad Week on Radio 2. His songs are hilariously funny, including such titles as Get Some Real Porn, Tabloid Journalists, and Please Don't Release This Song. In 1998 he won the Mercury Comedian of the Year Award for his solo act. He is utterly brilliant, and you have to hear him!

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