A Conversation for Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
A416846 - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Peter aka Krans Started conversation Nov 6, 2000
This is a great article which the author hasn't bothered to submit to Peer Review. So I've done it for them.
Hence the fact that I won't be able to edit it.
A416846 - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Crescent Posted Nov 7, 2000
Excellent Entry, should have nae bother becoming an Edited Guide Entry However, it isn't really about Riyadh as such, more about Saudi itself
I know you cannot do anything about it
but decided to dump that thought here anyhoo
I say again, a good Entry
Until later....
BCNU - Crescent
A416846 - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
njan (afh) Posted Nov 9, 2000
You were right, it didn't have any bother becoming an edited entry.. it's been accepted. ... As the user isn't here who wrote it, any chance of you telling them, Krans, since you submitted it?
... Anyway... it's been accepted, and when it's bveen sub-edited, the user'll get an E-Mail saying so. But it may take some time getting through the Sub-editing system..
- Njan.
A416846 - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron Posted Nov 12, 2000
Well I came here to hepa praise on the article, but it seems that I am too late.
I found the article looking for more information to an article I was trying to find some more information for my article on Driving Etiquette - Saudi Arabia.
A416846 - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Peter aka Krans Posted Nov 13, 2000
I already have notified them, Njan...
A416846 - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Mark Moxon Posted Nov 13, 2000
Editorial Note: This thread has been moved out of the Peer Review forum because this entry has now been recommended for the Edited Guide.
If they haven't been along already, the Scout who recommended your entry will post here soon, to let you know what happens next.
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A416846 - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
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