A Conversation for The H2IQ Quiz - Be The First Among Equals

Thursday 09th January 2003 - Right Day... Right Question... No Worries... ~wink~

Post 21

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

I believe it was the third of June, just another sleepy dusty Delta day that Billy Joe McCalister and Becky Somebody threw 'something' off the Talahachee Bridge while daddy said pass the biscuits please and I passed round the black-eyed peas...

Right year too, 1966!

smiley - biggrin

Thursday 09th January 2003 - Right Day... Right Question... No Worries... ~wink~

Post 22

Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly

There's no 31st of June. I think. (hope someone hasn't already posted this...)

Thursday 09th January 2003 - Right Day... Right Question... No Worries... ~wink~

Post 23

Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly

ah, crumbs.

*sighs and thinks she will never get a point*

Thursday 09th January 2003 - Right Day... Right Question... No Worries... ~wink~

Post 24


Well done Polidari... a point to you me thinks... ~hugs~


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