A Conversation for Games Room

Say something serious/say something funny

Post 1

The Groob

The idea is to alternate between funny and serious posts on a subject.

With this subject:


(wild animals to roam the US)

the serious comment is:

This could have implications if someone is injured by the animals. The project initiators could find themselves sued.

Say something serious/say something funny

Post 2


The other side is that only in the Untied States would one ever consider suing a wild animal for damages.

Say something serious/say something funny

Post 3

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

The other side is, that you throw all those animals out of their habits and into the *shudders* USA!

Say something serious/say something funny

Post 4

Pink Paisley

The animals would become extinct having become obese and dying of heart disease.


Say something serious/say something funny

Post 5


The serious side is that, apart from a few, Americans seem to be hell-bent on doing to the native wildlife what they did to the native Indians. They have a weird persecution complex "they're out to get us". It is sad really.

Say something serious/say something funny

Post 6

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

Probably those animals will hunt down Bush!

Say something serious/say something funny

Post 7

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Hunting is being banned in the UK.

smiley - fullmoon

Say something serious/say something funny

Post 8

The Groob

and the foxes will be replaced with politicians!

Say something serious/say something funny

Post 9

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

The police are reviewing shot to kill rules of engagment.

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