A Conversation for Games Room

Make up names for pop stars/groups tours

Post 1

The Groob

I don't know if it's just me but have you ever noticed that pop stars seem to use a similar style of name each time they name their tours? So, this is a game to make up tour names in the usual style of the performer(s).


The Holy Virgin Tour
The Forbidden Passion Tour

David Bowie:

The Black Spider Tour

The Rolling Stones:

The Memphis Nights Tour

Make up names for pop stars/groups tours

Post 2


Robbie Williams:
The I'm Not Going Back To Take That Tour
Britney Spears:
The You Only Want To See If I'm Fat Tour.

Make up names for pop stars/groups tours

Post 3


Psst guru, if you like this sort of thing I started a similar idea a few months back in the games area (Feb 28, 2006) called

Create A New Band Name

I just added a new one to it to get people to notice it again.

Make up names for pop stars/groups tours

Post 4

The Groob

Aye, I like it smiley - cheers

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