A Conversation for Games Room

Rhyming post competition

Post 1

Knowledge is power! (I'm feeling quite powerless!)

To write a two-line post that does rhyme
that is a fun way to pass the time

Rhyming post competition

Post 2

I'm Better than You Man, known elsewhere as Gloogorshkin!

But if you spend your time with that,
Then who will take out Bob the cat?

Rhyming post competition

Post 3

Knowledge is power! (I'm feeling quite powerless!)

The owner will take him out of course
and trade him in for a horse.

Rhyming post competition

Post 4


A horse in exchage for Bob the cat
Now what would the wife have to say about that.

Rhyming post competition

Post 5


SheÕd probably say that her husband's a lout
As the cat-flaps to small for a horse to get out

Rhyming post competition

Post 6


But the door can be opened wide
To allow the horse to go outside.

Rhyming post competition

Post 7


And trample the grass on the lawn I just cut
You must be demented you silly old nut

Rhyming post competition

Post 8


A demented silly old nut I may be
But who exchanged Bob the cat for the horse not me!

Rhyming post competition

Post 9


The owner -the wife screamed - he were your cat not mine"
That disgusting old moggy spent most of the time

Rhyming post competition

Post 10

I'm Better than You Man, known elsewhere as Gloogorshkin!

But where would he be able to find such a man
Who would trade a fine horse for a cat--did he plan?

Rhyming post competition

Post 11


Plan he did-then he went ahead
And swapped poor Bob the cat for the horse instead.

Rhyming post competition

Post 12

Knowledge is power! (I'm feeling quite powerless!)

but within weeks the horse was dead
,but they had horse meat for months to be wll fed.

Rhyming post competition

Post 13


But what had happened to Bob the cat?
He ran away and came back to the flat.

Rhyming post competition

Post 14

Knowledge is power! (I'm feeling quite powerless!)

While at home he had a beer,
drunken behaviour is what I fear!

Rhyming post competition

Post 15


Oh dear a beer to many is the case
Thats why hes walking around in a stupor daze

Rhyming post competition

Post 16

Knowledge is power! (I'm feeling quite powerless!)

an animal in a daze?
no wonder the children laugh and gaze!

Rhyming post competition

Post 17


While in his daze Bob takes a tumble.
Now the children don't laugh they just feel humble.

Rhyming post competition

Post 18

Knowledge is power! (I'm feeling quite powerless!)

for the kids, thats a major decision!
I guess it beats watching television!

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