A Conversation for Coping with men (3)


Post 1


Ooops. I'm a straight man - this doesn't apply to me. Erm. Ironic - I did a search for SCSI to get here!

What about blokes who are too shy to approach “something vaguely female,” so when confronted with this situation put on all the techie talk because its the only part of their brain that hasn't shut down? (This bit is used for interfacing with a keyboard and monitor, so has to be fairly resilient because the typical PC's OS isn't)

The rest of their brain could be buzzing with philosophy, recipes for great curries, music, architecture, and how to put up shelves. Perhaps, under stress, the typical male brain can't organise this sort of subject matter into coherent sentences?

I can't comment about gay companions - I don't think I know any. However, if a gay bloke is superior, its because they aren't presented with the stress of meeting the high standards women have of straight men. I guess.

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