Coping with men (3)

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3) When talking about technical stuff (comp scis only here, sorry) blokes will invariably focus at a point just above your head and spout vast amounts of rubbish. Do not stand for this. Jump up (preferably landing on their toe), thrust forward your cleavage and yell 'enough about your scsi adaptors, maths co-processors and soft modems! I know just as much, I'm just not sad enough to let it show!' Then walk away. There is no salvation for these people.

Of course, all this assumes that they're not typical comp sci people and therefore too shy to even approach something vaguely female.

Try to assure that some of them (preferably not ones you fancy) are gay (and out of the closet, helping them through that one could be a whole different page) as they make very good substitute female friends. They're very good at clothes shopping, bitching and eyeing up blokes when you feel the need, thus making them completely superior to other men.

Do not get involved in helping them decide whether they are gay or not.

The best thing to do is play them at their own game. Drink like a trooper, swear like a trouper, stay out till all hours, talk football and eye up women.

Unfortunately, this is my natural personality, and although virtually all my best mates are men, I can't get a bloke. Guess I just can't do girly...

I'm bitter and twisted and becoming a member of the male psyche!


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