
1 Conversation

What is Romance?

Some people would define it as a feeling of subtle, flowing warmth that seems to make the whole rest of the world unimportant. It can also be a loving relationship. That feeling of tingling excitement, the joy of the perfect moment, when Love is born. The handsome, daring knight winning the heart of the fair princess. The soft mystery of moonlight. Romance is also all about mood, it's undeniably interconnected to love, but love isn't necessary for romance, in the right setting, the right series of seemingly unrelated events, anyone can feel romance.

It can, and generally does lead to a great many things. A moment of quiet romance between two people could be one in which they Hug. Under different conditions, just picking one at random, on a blanket under the stars, perhaps with a nicely chilled bottle of wine, it would almost undoubtedly not only be created but incorporate a good deal of Kissing and perhaps lead to a night of passionate Sex.

It inspires Dating, but most seasoned veterans will tell you that romance alone isn't enough to hold together a relationship. Because romance is after all a fleeting thing, and so many things are taken into consideration, such as atmosphere, the mood of both individuals, setting, and various other things.

Some would say that romance is not worth the trouble it causes, others, who have felt the truly euphoric effects that simply being close to someone you care for, someone you share that special chemistry with can create, would say that romance is worth the trouble, and a great deal more. Perhaps their fools. Or maybe just hopeless romantics. Who are we to judge?

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