A Conversation for Talking Point: Life's Little Pleasures
Going back to sleep
Titania (gone for lunch) Started conversation Aug 13, 2000
Haven't you all felt some mornings, when the alarm clock goes off, 'Groan, only a few more minutes', hitting the snooze button.
People think me nuts, but this is what I sometimes do when I have a day off:
I let the alarm clock go off at its usual time, just to be able to turn it off, turn my shoulder, and fall right back into sleep again, knowing I don't need to get up. Heaven!
I discovered this, after noticing how I always had my best sleep only minutes before it was time to get up. In this way, I can continue the best part of sleep...
Going back to sleep
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Aug 13, 2000
Variation: If I discover I'm hungry when the alarm clock goes off, I get up, have BIG breakfast and THEN go back to bed, having no trouble falling asleep again since I always get a bit sleepy after eating...
Going back to sleep
ringo (it's not all right) Posted Aug 13, 2000
variation: going back to bed after a hugh breakfast but not slleping. Just daydreams, good music and some fags. And Though you might know taht there is bright sunshine outside you don't care at all
Going back to sleep
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Aug 13, 2000
...but of course it makes it even easier, and more enjoyable, if it's a cold, grey autumn morning with the rain pouring down.
Finding that still warm little pit you've left in the bed, and curl up in it, pulling the duvee up to your chin...
Going back to sleep
Zorpheus - I'm so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis. Posted Aug 14, 2000
better yet, when you can curl up w/ someone and keep each other warm.
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Going back to sleep
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