A Conversation for Talking Point: Life's Little Pleasures
The beach
Is mise Duncan Started conversation Aug 24, 2000
Specifically, the strecth of beach known as the "Sandymount strand" in Dublin, Ireland.
Its about 10 minutes walk from where I live, so reasonably often after my evening meal I'll go for a stroll along there. There's a nice view across the bay and a few people jogging around or walking dogs but not so as to interupt you overly. There's little noise from the city as it is blocked by the sea wall above you and the evening light paint sthe clouds a spectacular salmon pink.
Last new years eve we gathered on this beach to watch the fireworks and drank champagne and guinness at midnight surrounded by loads of celebrating families.
Its clean enough too - though not far from a reasonable sized port...and there's seabirds from just down the coast. On a nice evening (which tonight may turn out to be) I could sit there for hours
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The beach
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