A Conversation for Ridiculously Long Words

Peer Review: A4130443 - The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 1


Entry: The Longest Word in the English Language - A4130443
Author: Cyvros - U944960

Hi there!

This is the first Guide Entry that I've written that I've considered submitting for review. I hope it's up to your standards.

Thanking you all in advance.

Cyvros, Your Friendly Nieghbourhood Manchester Dealer.

A4130443 - The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

Welcome to Peer Review!

I'm not sure what to say about this. It is short but sweet. It is interesting and amusing. But whether there is enough content in it to make a good Edited Entry - I'm not sure.

It is very hard to read because of the very long word. I predict that the editors will have problems editing this, if it ever gets that far.

A4130443 - The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 3


I think it *could* make it into the EG, after all, it is factual, but it would need a lot of work, like maybe an explanation of what each part of that horribly long word means, and why it needs to be so long.

smiley - panda

A4130443 - The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 4

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Well, the word would need to be hyphenated so that it could wrap, that's for sure.

smiley - cheers

A4130443 - The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on

There seem to be a few spelling mistakes in the word, as well.

A4130443 - The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 6


Now *that* would be a problem!

smiley - panda

A4130443 - The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 7

Gnomon - time to move on

I don't know where we could get a reliable source to check this word against, if it is not listed in the dictionary. The word seems to consist of a string of short bits, each ending in 'yl' such as 'glutamyl' and 'leucyl' followed by the word 'serine'. But there are places where this pattern doesn't hold such as -alanylyalylthreonyl-.

It would have to be checked.

A4130443 - The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 8


If it isn't in any dictionary, is it really a word in the English language?

smiley - panda

A4130443 - The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 9

Mu Beta

I agree with Gnomon - short and sweet.

I think there is potential for bulking it out a bit and making it into a really good entry. Why not include some more history and definitions (supercali... for example has a history in the legal courts), as well as including which dictionaries recognise which words as 'longest' and why and perhaps long words in other languages (with their definitions)?

I think, that under a more general title of 'Long Words' you have the makings of a really interesting Entry, but as it stands it's failing to excite me. smiley - sadface


A4130443 - The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 10


Well, if it's the word I think it is, I have a book that contains it. I'll have to print it out and check it once I get home.


A4130443 - The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 11

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

It's already in the EG: A182765

A4130443 - The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 12

Mu Beta

In that case, if you adopt some of the suggestions on this thread, you could submit this to the update forum to replace that rather dull entry.


A4130443 - The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 13


So it is. That lets me out of checking it then. That's a relief.<biggrin.


A4130443 - The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 14


lordWolfden has mentioned several other long words at F19585?thread=607652&post=7143215#p7143130 which could make the whole thing more interesting.


A4130443 - The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 15

Mu Beta

Warning: LordWolfden, true to style, has failed to come up with anything original, and has copied the lot from:


Doing that will get your thrown out of PR sharpish.


The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 16

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

The Guinness Book of Records, in its 1992 and subsequent editions, declared the "longest real word" in the English language to be floccinaucinihilipilification at 29 letters.

A4130443 - The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 17

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Oh Master B fighting talk

A4130443 - The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 18


*Thinks the act of floccinaucinihilipilification is one that needs to be undertaken* But I'll leave it at that smiley - run
Froodsmiley - wizard

A4130443 - The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 19

Gnomon - time to move on

Ah. More interesting than the battle between B and W is the fact that there is already an Edited Entry A182765 giving the big long word, so that makes this entry a bit redundant, unless it can be fleshed out with lots of other stuff.

A4130443 - The Longest Word in the English Language

Post 20


That town in Wales has changed its name to something shorter I believe.

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