A Conversation for Alcohol

Flea Market: A412318 Alcohol

Post 1


I think this should go in the edited guide as I couldn't find anything about alcohol in the edited guide and come on- It is the stuff of life you know!

A412318 Alcohol

Post 2


You're right; there are quite a few entries on beer, but not too many on alcohol itself.

This entry is quite witty. I liked it.

My only comment is to remove the references to your own websites at the bottom. I don't think the powers-that-be at H2G2 would appreciate self-promotion in the approved guide.

A412318 Alcohol

Post 3


FUNNY, but shouldn't there be a passage which is a bit more, um, scientific? (maybe it sh'd be meshed with other entries)

A412318 Alcohol

Post 4


Self-promotion is out!

How can I be scientific? I faile A-Leval Physics and Chemistry, the only thing that qualifies me to write this entry is that I am a dedicated alcoholic!

A412318 Alcohol

Post 5

The Apprentice

You may need to take account of the fact that there is already an entry on Alcohol:


Attached to a massive list of drinks:


Anything you've created with become an edit or addition to this.

A412318 Alcohol

Post 6


You can drink 100% ethanol - it is easier to drink a lethal dose, but is basically the same as any other amount - though it is very flammable. You should have some more about some of the other alcohols - say methanol and propanol (being the two other most common). Maybe a bit about how it is broken down by the body.

The Internet is a great resourse for finding stuff out - look, find, read, understand and then write. You should be able to flesh this out no bother smiley - smiley Until later.....
BCNU - Crescent

A412318 Alcohol

Post 7

The Apprentice

What I said before I did without having the chance to read your article. Now I have, and there's nothing there that would support making it more than an addition to the existing topic on alcohol. Leaning towards the various types, chemical composition, etc. and leaving out some of the more dubious stuff at the end of the article might stand a chance as an Entry with a slightly revised name of some kind.

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Post 8

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