A Conversation for Crooked Cottage

Knock Knock

Post 181

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

Sounds like a very good plan to me smiley - smiley. How about that village over there? It shouldn't be much more than 5 miles, so we could try and get something to eat there smiley - smiley

Knock Knock

Post 182

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)


*Kheldar zooms into the village square where there are colorful stalls set up selling lots of handmade souveniers along with steaming pots of very good smelling food.*

Park over there! Let's get tortillas!

Knock Knock

Post 183

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

Torillas!! Cool!! Why don't I try to find some parking space for this thing, and you could fetch us something to eat then? I will join you over there by the fountain then. Sounds like a plan?

Knock Knock

Post 184

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Gets off the motorcycle, takes off her helmet and shakes her hair free of its pony tail. She smiles and hands Kheldar her helmet, turns and walks toward the food booths. The aromas coming from the stalls are enticing. Rich hot sauces, grilling chicken and chopped vegetables, platters of ground corn tortillas, and many cheeses are some of what is on display. She orders 2 heaping platefuls and looks around for Kheldar.*

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