Bakong, Preah Ko, Lolei and Banteay Srei

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The Bakong temple is the largest of the Roluos Group (the capital of Indravarman I, who reigned from 877 to 889). They are the earliest permanent structures and show the beginning of classical Khmer art.

Bakong was dedicated to Shiva and is yet another representation of Mt. Meru. It is surrounded by a moat and three concentric walls, while, at the centre is a five tier pyramid made of sandstone.

Preah Ko

Built by Indravarman I, Preah Ko was dedicated to his deified ancestors (the Sanskrit inscription on one of the doorposts puts the date at 880). The name means 'Sacred Ox' and the remains of three Nandi (sacred oxen) are to be found at the front of the first row of temples. The central Nandi is the only one which is anything like intact.

There are six small temples on a raised platform.

The three larger towers, at the front, are dedicated to male ancestors or gods. The three smaller towers, at the back, are dedicated to female ancestors or goddesses.

Each of the towers, or prasats, is decorated with relief's made of sandstone and plaster.


The Lolei temple, which is constructed in almost the same way as Preah Ko, has four towers.

It was built by Yasovarman I, who reigned from 889 to 910. Yasovarman I also went on to found the first city at Angkor.

The Lolei temple is in a much worse state of repair than Preah Ko, but is worth a visit while at Roluos to see the sandstone carvings in the niches of the temples.

Banteay Srei

In the recent past it was inadvisable to visit Banteay Srei because of security problems. It is now safe to visit and should not be missed.

The temple, dedicated to Shiva, was built towards the end of the 10th century and is in a good state of preservation. It is decorated with some of the most beautiful carvings of male and female divinities in the Angkor area.

Particularly of note are the relief carvings above each of the doors which depict various mythological scenes.

Down My Lane

The Cambodia Archives

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