A Conversation for The Village of Poling in West Sussex
Peer Review: A4087118 - The Village of Poling in West Sussex
superjimlad Started conversation Jan 23, 2006
Entry: The Village of Poling in West Sussex - A4087118
Author: superjimlad - U1486306
Well this is me writing about where I live cant get much more simple but I thought I would make my first go at an attempt something I know about.
Trust me Poling is even more dull than is put forward in this description but i was being kind.
Hopes its up to scratch
yours Jim
A4087118 - The Village of Poling in West Sussex
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Jan 23, 2006
Hello superjimlad, welcome back to Peer Review
Here are a few typo's I picked up:
Poling is a small quiet village, which has few facilities to speak of apart form
The hub of this industrious village is the farms
(are you sure you mean *industrious*? That means busy...maybe a better description would be *sleepy*)
The hub of this industrious village is the farms
are the farms
situated near the coastal town of Worthing, In truth
in truth
Poling is fortunate enough to have several picturesque ponds doted
Poling is fortunate enough to have several picturesque ponds dotted throughout it where maly
Poling is fortunate enough to have several picturesque ponds dotted throughout it where many different form
formed part of the countries defences in the Second World War
Christopher Robin lived in a 17th century house
17th Century
Peckham's farm
Peckham's Farm
There are two ways to get to Poling one is to walk from wherever you may be this is likely to be long and tiring with little real sense of achievement once you arrive.
There are two ways to get to Poling: one is to walk from wherever you may be; this is likely to be long and tiring with little real sense of achievement once you arrive.
The other far more sensible option of driving there along to only road that can get you to Poling can be achieved by either hitching a ride or investing in a motor vehicle.
The other, far more sensible, option of driving there along the only road that can get you to Poling, can be achieved by either hitching a ride or investing in a motor vehicle.
The road itself, the A 27,
the road actually goes straight through the village but seeing as no one lives on the much smaller part of poling which is on the north side of the road this causes no problems.
The road actually goes straight through the village but as no-one lives on the much smaller part of Poling, which is on the north side of the road, this causes no problems.
coming off the A 27.
The main one being called Poling Street is about a mile long windy and has most of the houses in.
The main street is a bendy one called Poling Street, which is about a mile long, and has most of the houses on it.
The next sentence along contains two "A 27" which should be "A27"
In terms of purchasable food there is none it is suggested you pack a big lunch beforehand or even a picnic as Poling is a lovely place for them
In terms of purchasable food there are no outlets. It is suggested you pack a big lunch beforehand or even a picnic as Poling is a lovely place for them.
Poling is again rather limited in place to stay
unless you know someone with a room to spair
Poling may not be the big city
a big city
simple ness
Good work, superjimlad, keep it up!
A4087118 - The Village of Poling in West Sussex
BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows Posted Jan 23, 2006
I think this has the makings of a fascinating Entry.
Initial thoughts: Origin of the name 'Poling' (I suspect it might be Saxon)
Also there is the potential for some links e.g. Several Entries on Radar e.g. A591545
Entry on Pooh sticks at A246188.
A4087118 - The Village of Poling in West Sussex
BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows Posted Jan 23, 2006
Is it worth mentioning Hammerpot Brewery?
A4087118 - The Village of Poling in West Sussex
Elentari Posted Jan 24, 2006
Hi jimlad - I've also got typos and so on. I've tried to leave them out if Annie's already mentioned them, but there are a few duplicates:
"which has few facilities to speak of apart form a historical Norman church, a phone box and two post boxes."
"historical" -> "historic"
"The hub of this industrious village is the farms that surround it, however it is not just your average farms found there, no there are cattle farms and there is also a mushroom factory."
The hub of this industrious village are the farms that surround it, however it is not just your average farms found there. There are cattle farms and there is also a mushroom factory."
Cattle farms sound like fairly abverage farms to me.
"The most locally famous thing about Poling is the brand new Children’s Hospice which is often thought of as being situated near the coastal town of Worthing, In truth the hospice is inside Poling boundaries."
-> "...of Worthing. In truth, the hospice..."
I know that feeling. I'm from Solihull, and everyone thinks that Birmingham Airport and the NIA are in Birmingham, but they're not, they're in Solihull. Back on topic-
"wild life" -> "wildlife"
"There are several historical features of Poling; one is that the fields were once home to a massive radar array which formed part of the countries defences in the Second World War. Due to this there are AA positions and Pill boxes located around the village. The famous author A.A.Millne and Christopher Robin lived in a 17th century house in the easternmost part of Poling. A swan on the lake by the house was named Hopper swan by A.A.Millne and was featured in one of the Winnie the Pooh books."
"There are several historical features in Poling. The fields were once home to a massive radar array which formed part of the country's defences in the Second World War. As a result of this, there are AAAnti-aircraft. positions and Pill boxes located around the village. Also, the famous author A.A. Milne, creator of Winnie the Pooh, and his son Christopher Robin lived in a 17th Century house in the easternmost part of Poling. A swan on the lake by the house was named Hopper swan by Milne and was featured in one of the Winnie the Pooh books."
Also, I'm not sure that "Pill box" should be capitalised. Anyone know?
"In terms of purchasing anything in Poling you are limited in the extreme, you can buy eggs from Peckham’s farm, which are very good but that is about it. You should definitely stock up well before you arrive."
"In terms of purchasing anything in Poling, you are limited in the extreme. It is possible to buy eggs from Peckham’s farm, which are very good but that is about it. You should definitely stock up well before you arrive."
Perhaps you could tell us where the locals buy things then?
If no one lives on the north side of the road, why is the village there? Are there a few people living there?
I like the entry, jimlad! My only other suggestion is that it would be great if you could give us an idea of how many people live there, but I appreciate that this may be tricky!
A4087118 - The Village of Poling in West Sussex
kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013 Posted Jan 24, 2006
Lots of good comments already
In the first paragraph you say "The hub of this industrious village is the farms that surround it..."
A hub is something that is in the centre, so you could say that the village is the hub of the farms that surround it. If you mean that the village only exists to serve the farms around it then you might like to rewrite the sentence to reflect that.
"however it is not just your average farms found there, no there are cattle farms and there is also a mushroom factory"
I presume by average farms you mean ones that focus on arable farming (growing cereals etc). It would probably be better to rewrite this bit to say:
cattle farming takes place around the village as well as arable farming, and there is even a mushroom farm.
Looking good though Well done!
A4087118 - The Village of Poling in West Sussex
Skankyrich [?] Posted Jan 24, 2006
Looks good to me
Post again when you've sorted out those corrections, and I'll have a proper read. Good job so far though!
A4087118 - The Village of Poling in West Sussex
superjimlad Posted Jan 28, 2006
Thanks for all the help
I am working my way through it all and will re post when i have done so
yours Jimlad
A4087118 - The Village of Poling in West Sussex
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Jan 28, 2006
superjimlad, you don't have to remove your entry from Peer Review while you work on it.
That resets the clock, it'll need another 7 days to incubate now.
I suggest you make the changes suggested above, then resubmit to Peer Review, and leave it thereyou can carry on updating
and eventually it'll be on theFront Page, all being well!
Annie (if you need any help with your Guide ML, shout on this thread, won't you? We'll all stay subscribed I'm sure)
A4087118 - The Village of Poling in West Sussex
superjimlad Posted Jan 29, 2006
when i try to put it into guide GuideML it says
You are now editing: Error in GuideML
and the last paragraph looks like this
P>Poling may not be a big city; it may not even be a small one but what it lacks in function it makes up for in pure simpleness. You can go there on a summer’s day and totally forget yourself just exploring and walking. A truly remarkable place.
Bad closing element BODY expecting P
What should i do?
A4087118 - The Village of Poling in West Sussex
kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013 Posted Jan 29, 2006
Somewhere in the middle it loks as though you have got an opening without a closing one:
The church is also of historical note, the location of it is perculiar in that it can only be reached
In terms of purchasing anything in Poling you are limited in the extreme, you can buy eggs from Peckham’s Farm, which are very good but that is about it. You should definitely stock up well before you arrive.
Try putting in the after reached (and then finish that paragraph!) and see if it is a bit happier
A4087118 - The Village of Poling in West Sussex
BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows Posted Jan 29, 2006
My trick to sort this problem out is, whilst in 'Edit' mode I put a space after every .
In this way I can easily see if I've omitted either a or a
A4087118 - The Village of Poling in West Sussex
superjimlad Posted Mar 31, 2006
Thank you all for you help i am sooo chuffed that its in , thanks again jim
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Peer Review: A4087118 - The Village of Poling in West Sussex
- 1: superjimlad (Jan 23, 2006)
- 2: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Jan 23, 2006)
- 3: BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows (Jan 23, 2006)
- 4: BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows (Jan 23, 2006)
- 5: Elentari (Jan 24, 2006)
- 6: kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013 (Jan 24, 2006)
- 7: Skankyrich [?] (Jan 24, 2006)
- 8: superjimlad (Jan 28, 2006)
- 9: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Jan 28, 2006)
- 10: superjimlad (Jan 29, 2006)
- 11: superjimlad (Jan 29, 2006)
- 12: kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013 (Jan 29, 2006)
- 13: superjimlad (Jan 29, 2006)
- 14: BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows (Jan 29, 2006)
- 15: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Feb 11, 2006)
- 16: superjimlad (Mar 31, 2006)
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Mar 31, 2006 - Peer Review: A4087118 - The Village of Poling in West Sussex [17]
Mar 31, 2006
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