A Conversation for Websailor's Wacky Wildlife World

Good advice!

Post 1

Tibley Bobley

There used to be so many hedgehogs snuffling around in my garden, but I hardly ever see them any more. The last one was a few months ago, trying to clamber up the back of the coal bunker. They're far better climbers than you'd guess by looking at them. It's a rotten shame that they seem to be disappearing. Pesticides (killing their food rather than the hedgehogs themselves) and roads look like the most guilty killers. If I come upon any skinny young'uns, I'll follow your advice and break out the dog food and cerealsmiley - ok

Can't remember where I heard it - Bill Oddie and Spring Watch probably - but I was under the impression that badgers don't hibernate. Have I got that wrong?

smiley - smiley

Good advice!

Post 2


Hello TB,

Our badgers do. They disappear mid December and come back mid March, we can almost set the clocks by them, otherwise they rarely miss a night, unless there have disturbances locally, like workmen on the railway!

Apparently it is known that they occasionally come above ground for the necessary smiley - biggrin if the weather is mild but don't stray far from the sett. They lay on enough fat to sustain them through those months, and it is during that time they have their cubs.

Websailor smiley - dragon

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