A Conversation for The EU constitutional treaty : Arguments in favour of a yes-vote in France

A4067912 - Arguments in favour of a yes-vote

Post 41


and to be fair (I have just got back from Brittany), French driving really does suck.

A4067912 - Arguments in favour of a yes-vote

Post 42

Skankyrich [?]

Hi Martine, are you still working on this?

A4067912 - Arguments in favour of a yes-vote

Post 43


No, I'm not KC. Not much I can add. We had a vote remember? But it's there for eternity it seems.

A4067912 - Arguments in favour of a yes-vote

Post 44

Skankyrich [?]

Ok, in that case could you please remove it from Peer Review (go to PeerReview and click the 'Remove' button next to it)? We're just having a tidy up in here, that's all!

Thanks smiley - smiley

A4067912 - Arguments in favour of a yes-vote

Post 45

Skankyrich [?]

Would a kind scout like to second a move back to entry to get this out of martine's hair? smiley - smiley

A4067912 - Arguments in favour of a yes-vote

Post 46


Ho yus smiley - ok

A4067912 - Arguments in favour of a yes-vote

Post 47


I would be happy to do it... if there was a remove button!

A4067912 - Arguments in favour of a yes-vote

Post 48

Skankyrich [?]

No probs martine; we'll do it for you smiley - smiley

Thanks for contributing to Peer Review, though!

A4067912 - Arguments in favour of a yes-vote

Post 49


Is this being moved then?

smiley - panda

A4067912 - Arguments in favour of a yes-vote

Post 50

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

There is a remove button, martine.

Click on PeerReview and scroll down until you find your entry/name (in "Guide Entries in Review"). There is a "Remove" by your Researcher name. (I'm in Classic GOO skin, so it might be a little differnet if you're using a different skin)

A4067912 The EU constitutional treaty : Arguments in favour of a... May 14, 2005 21 Minutes Ago martine_s U1482146 (you have a "remove" option at the end that isn't there on anyone else's entries)

Just click it and a box will pop up asking if you *really* want to remove the entry from Peer Review. Just click "OK"

smiley - ok

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