A Conversation for Who is...?

Who is...?

Post 101

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Isn't he the guitarist from the Offspring?

Who is...?

Post 102

RedFish ><>

yup, guitarist and vocalist, aka "Noodles"

Well done

Who is...?

Post 103

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Damnit. I should've known that smiley - sadface
Now ask me about a Green Day bloke and I would've got it...
Of course now I'm fully anticipating someone naming a Green Day member and me missing it completely smiley - winkeye

Who is...?

Post 104

Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years)


I didn't get my go...........

Who is...?

Post 105

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Well, you should have been here. smiley - tongueout
Okay, I'll ask mine now, and when Zebedee comes back he can ask his too.
Who is Cynthia Powell?

Who is...?

Post 106

RedFish ><>

....an author?

Who is...?

Post 107

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

She may well have written a book, but only as a result of being famous for another reason.

Who is...?

Post 108

RedFish ><>

My friend says its John Lennon's wife

Who is...?

Post 109

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

John Lennon's first wife, obviously she's not Yoko Ono... but I'll give you that. Your friend is correct. That means it's your friend's turn. smiley - smiley

Who is...?

Post 110

RedFish ><>

Okay then my friend says: "who was Robert Cecil? what famous person is he associated with"

Who is...?

Post 111

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*hits herself over the head with a large dictionary...*

Who is...?

Post 112

Jimi X

*waits for Crusader*

This is a pretty cool idea for a game.

So is Crusader going to pick someone or does he forfeit?

Who is...?

Post 113

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

It's not Crusader's turn anymore, we've moved on now! smiley - smiley
We're looking for the identity of Robert Cecil....

Who is...?

Post 114

Jimi X

I know! My brain timed out just before my computer did. I missed something like two weeks worth of postings. smiley - sadface

And did Cecil work for a Queen?

Who is...?

Post 115

RedFish ><>

Kepp guessing smiley - smiley

Who is...?

Post 116

Bran the Explorer

Great Game ... don't know the rules but here goes ...

Robert (Gascoyne) Cecil - was he the 3rd Marquess of Salisbury (1830-1903), and a British prime minister for three terms?

(If this is not how we are meant to play, let me know)


Who is...?

Post 117


Erm, excuse me, but is this game still going on? I only ask because I fancied pitting my wits against my fellow researchers (and realising that I'm the pits smiley - winkeye )...

Hello? Anyone here?

Who is...?

Post 118

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

We're still waiting for RedFish to tell us who Robert Cecil is. *yawns*
Maybe we should start another game...

Who is...?

Post 119


Right you are; here's an easy one.

Who is... Cynthia Rothrock?

Who is...?

Post 120


Hello? Anyone still playing? smiley - sadface

Have I won? smiley - smiley

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