Who is...?

1 Conversation

A game for an infinite number of players.

Who is...? is a game anyone can play - all you need is a good memory for completely trivial details.

How to play

  • The first player chooses an obscure but vaguely famous person1 and posts to the conversation below, asking "Who is...?"
  • Anyone who can identify the vaguely famous person's claim to fame adds his or her answer to the conversation.
  • The first player confirms if this is the correct answer.
  • If the answer is incorrect, guessing continues until someone answers correctly.
  • The person who answers correctly then chooses another obscure but vaguely famous person and posts to the conversation, asking "Who is...?"
  • And so on, and so on.
  • Example

    Player X: Who is Nick Van Eede?

    Player Y: The singer from Cutting Crew.

    Player X: Correct, your turn.

    Player Y: Who is Artie Fufkin?

    Player W: The manager of Charlton Athletic FC.

    Player Y: Wrong.

    Player Z: The head of promotion at Polymer Records in This Is Spinal Tap.

    Player Y: Correct.

    Player Z: Who is Fred Quimby?

    ...and so it goes on. It's not as complicated as it sounds, honestly.

    1The chosen name may be real or fictional, but it must be someone others will have heard of - anyone asking questions such as "Who is Fred Jones?" to which the answer turns out to be "My dad's old maths teacher" will be disqualified.

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