A Conversation for "Honey I've Crashed the Car" - A study of Left-ear Phone Conversations

A4054132 - "Honey I've Crashed the Car" - A study of Left-ear Phone Conversations

Post 21


I love this! I like the style, it makes the subject matter easy (and pleasant) to digest smiley - ok.

After reading the other comments I agree that the first header isn't strictly necessary. I don't think your entry would suffer for its loss.

Don't know where I fit in the equation - RH female, at work I pick up the phone and dial right handed and put the phone on my left ear, but at home I listen on my right. And I use my mobile's headset in my right ear as well.

Great job, can't wait to see this on the front page smiley - ok

A4054132 - "Honey I've Crashed the Car" - A study of Left-ear Phone Conversations

Post 22


Dunno where I fit in either - RH female, I use my left ear usually, switching to my right when it gets tired (and possibly for important news, never really noticed).

smiley - panda

A4054132 - "Honey I've Crashed the Car" - A study of Left-ear Phone Conversations

Post 23


You'll all be pleased to know that the first header has now gone (none of this moving it about business I was trying to get away with earlier!)

As for whether we all fit into the equation... I'm left-handed and can only use the phone with my left ear. If I ever swap to the right ear, I realise I can't hear a thing and swap straight back.

When I say "I can't hear a thing", what I actually mean is I can hear perfectly well, I just can't understand a word of it ... unless I try _really_ hard ... and then other motor functions start packing up - like I fail to continue to be able to walk (quite seriously) if I'm using the mobile whilst walking to work.

(Should I be admitting this stuff? I'm a freak apparently).

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Post 24

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Post 25


smiley - bubbly

smiley - panda

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Post 26

Gnomon - time to move on

smiley - applause Congratulations! smiley - applause

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Post 27

Orange A (formerly known as DunlopVolley)

Well done.

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Post 28


smiley - cheers

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Post 29


Yet again, I'm in need of a smiley. Being as there isn't one, this'll have to do...

smiley - biggrinWoo hoo!smiley - biggrin

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