A Conversation for "Honey I've Crashed the Car" - A study of Left-ear Phone Conversations

very interesting

Post 1


I wasn't even aware of this phenomenon until now and found it very interesting to hear of it.

I'm heavily left handed (to the extent that I have lots of lefthanded equipment, a left handed mouse, left handed bass guitar etc.) yet use my right hand to answer the phone, thereby justifying your medical science caveat.

I feel a bit as though I'm not invited to the phenomenological party, but will be thinking of this every time i answer the phone in future. incidentally I vastly prefer to use speakerphone.

Thanks for an interesting read mate

smiley - cheers

very interesting

Post 2


Thanks for your comments - glad you liked it.

I wasn't aware of the phenomenon either until a right-handed person mentioned it, and being left-handed, it got me thinking.

Although I'm left-handed... I use a mouse right-handed (although I prefer not to use one at all), I play guitar right-handed (although people prefer me not to play the guitar at all).

You're not the first to contradict the basis of the article either - hence the footnotes.

PS. I notice you're originally West-country, now in London. I'm London born-and-bred, now in the West-country! It's a small world.

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