Footloose (Movie)

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An excellent movie from 1984. Here is what has to say about it:

'Director Herbert Ross (The Turning Point) pulled a winning movie out of this almost self-consciously archetypal tale of teenage rock rebellion. Kevin Bacon stars as a hip city kid who ends up in a Bible-belt town after his parents divorce. An ill fit for a conservative community where rock is frowned upon and dancing is forbidden, Bacon's character rallies the kids and takes on the establishment. Between a good cast really embracing the drama of Dean Pitchford's screenplay, and Ross's imaginative, highly charged way of shooting the dance numbers, you can get lost in this all-ages confection, and you won't even mind Kenny Loggins's bubbly pop. Bonuses include one of John Lithgow's best performances (a bit reminiscent of Jimmy Stewart), and Christopher Penn (who sure doesn't look the same anymore) as a good-natured hick who learns to boogie. --Tom Keogh --This text refers to the VHS Tape edition.'

On a personal note...myself being a raver this movie has a LOT of meaning. Mostly the fact that I live in Napa, California, USA and the city has a rather strict policy on well, just about anything and everything. I am one of a few residents that are trying to throw some 'events' that we are having trouble getting going for a lot of the same reasons as you will see in this movie.

All and all though...this is a great movie and does a good job of showing us how some small towns were (and possibly still are) when it comes to the youth of the town simply doing what they love...

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