A Conversation for Talking Point: Life's Too Short
Bucket Lists and the rest
U168592 Started conversation Sep 17, 2008
Well, I used to a have a list of things to do before I turned 30. But that went out the window a while ago.
'Do you have a list of things you want to do before you die?'
I guess I have a Bucket List;
See the Pyramids.
Go Scuba Diving somewhere nice.
Swim with dolphins.
Visit the Moon?
Fly a bi-plane.
'Are there five things everybody absolutely must do in their lifetimes?'
1. Listen to someone singing.
2. Kiss.
3. Watch a sunrise.
4. Fly.
5. Swim.
'What about five things they should avoid?'
1. Reality TV.
2. Fame.
3. Things that like to eat people.
4. Being spat upon.
5. Paris.
'Can you suggest some adventures, journeys or experiences that people should have if they want to lay claim to an exciting life?'
Who dictates what's 'exciting'? Going to see a rock concert would be a must though.
'Should we just go with the flow, or are these lists a good idea?'
Everyone's life is different, and making lists does seem somewhat pointless. Life is meant to be enjoyed, and if that means watching X-Factor and drinking lager is an aim, go for it. If it means abseiling off the Washington Monument, again - go for it. Your life is yours.
'Is 'Before You Die-ism' just a vulgar take on life, with experiences ticked off instead of savoured?'
See above answer.
'How much of you list of 'Things You Must Do Before You Die' have you completed?'
Not nearly enough.
Bucket Lists and the rest
Beatrice Posted Sep 19, 2008
I had a "by the time I'm 30 " list. The main bit was becoming a mother, which I just about managed. There was something about a Reliant Scimitar, but I then got all environmentally conscious, and so that became a sleek white bicycle.
My "by the time I'm 40" list was more fun stuff - get a tattoo, see New York.
I don't have a "by the time I'm 50" list - but my 40s so far has seen me:
live abroad
visit Australia
do Disneyland with the kids
learn to scuba dive
learn to ride a motorbike (and take my son pillion on a Harley Davidson to Kennedy)
learn to ski
shake hands with an astronaut
tap dance on stage
own a dog
so maybe an absence of lists and a falling into the arms of serendipity is the way to go.
Bucket Lists and the rest
Beatrice Posted Sep 19, 2008
Curse you, lack of edit button!
Add to the "in my 40s" list
swim with dolphins
watch the sunrise from the top of Mount Sinai
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Bucket Lists and the rest
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