A Conversation for Smudger Snippets

It's funny isn't it.

Post 1


It really is. I'm 17, but i like many old things. I was one of the last in my class to actually accept calculators as a way of life. I've always been like that: i love change, but i want to keep a lot of the character of the past. It upsets me when i see people moving so fast they don't know what they're rushing into; all in the name of progress... I'm sure we're all aware that history repeats itself, i'm sure you've all been bored to death with the examples of war, so I'll use a different exsample instead:

Starfish, cuttlefish, Jelly fish.

That's no longer they're correct names. They are: Sea stars, cuttles, and sea jellies; respectfully. Why? Because they're not fish! That's fine, but the first names had so much more character. Who really cares if they're not really fish? It's just being a pedant! It's not a life changing issue i know, but it's happening all around us. I want to see the earth from space in my life time, but i don't want it to be at an unsuitable cost.

It's funny isn't it.

Post 2


Thanks for your post Alfonts, its good to know that the Snippets are read by all ages. When I was a teenager I had no choice but to go with the flow and accept all the changes, only because there were so many of themsmiley - laughsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

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