The h2g2 Poem

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Oasis songwriter/guitarist Noel Gallagher has said this week that he
doesn't know what the future holds for the band after the latest rift with
his brother, lead singer Liam.

Oasis Split - Definitely Maybe

You were the Shakermakers but you've lost that magic touch,

The rows and the addictions are becoming just too much.

So could it be that Brit-Pop's most successful gig is over,

To self-destruct on cosmic scale like a Champagne Supernova?

You can't Roll With It any more, you're having trouble rocking,

Sales of the latest album are so poor it's almost shocking,

Patsy's taken Lennon off, she won't get back together,

And Noel's started hinting that the band won't Live Forever.

The Cigarettes and Alcohol are blamed for all the grief,

Since Noel walked out on half the tour, in need of light relief.

He can't keep up with Liam now; he's keeping himself clean.

"Cut down the booze and charlie, Bro' - D'You Know What I Mean?"

The Morning Glory's ended 'cause you're getting drunk each night,

The man who wrote your greatest hits is tiring of the fight,

Who thought you'd Be Here Now, back when you stood above them all?

But brick by brick it seems you're knocking down the Wonderwall.

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