A Conversation for Kleine Levin Syndrome (UG)
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Started conversation Nov 26, 2008
It is hard to stun me with something medically speaking.
Although some parts I can relate to, obviously I come up severly short.
It took me nearly 2 decades to be properly diagnosed in spots.
Still not diagnosed agreeably between Dr.s, but I am more satisfied for now.
I am amazed one condition can cause all of the mentioned symptoms.
Being misunderstood ,not understanding yourself, being repeatedly misdiagnosed or having no diagnosis at all, having a condition rarely recognized by doctors or one so rare you have nobody to speak with about it is a familiar to me.
Serious "Memory problems" are horrid but it does not begin to cover all you have described.You must be a strong person and a patient one to have written about it.
Are you highly intelligent or highly adaptive? Both?
Many of the most puzzling circumstances help to create highly adaptive skills that nobody else can really appreciate the difficulty of.
Your writing may show up on a search. For someone feeling alone and confused,looking for another person with the same condition it is precious. Possibly a Dr or family member surfing for info or any other number of good outcomes for others.
You may appreciate the term coined by another h2g2 person ( as far as I know). He describes others as nuero-typicals. He caught my attention early on when I discovered this site. With self effacing humor the h2g2er is not nuero typical.
I hope writing about it has been a good thing for you
Bravo for writing about it!
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