A Conversation for Who Am Roasted Amoeba?

Year out

Post 1


Hi. You sound a little like me. Scary huh?

I'm 21, as you will be soon. In your own words, I'm an Ex-Media Production Student at the University of Lincon. I realised it wasn't for me. Too deep. I am now having a year out to collect my thoughts, work a little, relax a little and then, if I'm MAD enough, I'll go back and do science.

I have added problems of a girlfriend who lives in with me at home, and we need to move out. I need a career, only I'm half blind (partially sighted) and can't drive at night (as it's worse at night) and can't get it fixed until the Doctor is ready. See my problem?

Anyway, if you fancy a chat, get back to me.


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Year out

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