Focus on Peer Review

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The new film version of 'The Hitchhiker's Guide' is bound to bring new

people to h2g2, and that's definitely always a good thing. This will also

mean that there will be more entries in Peer

, which is another good thing. However some of these will be

one-shot wonders so make sure you're patient and don't accidently skim

over the gems. Point authors with unsuitable entries to the Writing Guidelines and carry on enjoying

Peer Review.

Your Peer Review Needs You!

Peer Review always needs new reviewers. It's not hard, you don't have to

be hot on spelling and grammar, or know quantum physics. If you think that

Peer Review is only for scouts and professionals, or you've recently

joined us, then take a look at Reviewer


The following list will hopefully get you started looking at entries in

Peer Review. If you're an author and your

entry isn't in this list then don't despair, you are very welcome to

advertise it at the bottom of this page, or reviewers can always find it

on the main Peer Review page.

This week is particularly special because it features a lot of first

entries for people who are completely new to H2G2. Well done to them on

contributing to their site! And everyone else who is helping them!

  • A3946485 - This historic piece is only the author's

    second entry to Peer Review, and is very good indeed. Anyone with any

    historic knowledge would be very welcome, as is everyone else of course!

    Peer Review


  • A3943749 - The humble outhouse hasn't received as

    much publicity as it should have in our opinion. A strange subject

    admittedly and something to add to your random knowledge of the world. In

    fact, even if we say so ourselves...this entry was bizarrely gripping!

    Peer Review


  • A3942092 - A first-time entry to Peer Review for this

    author. A comprehensive run-down of the university and area is brought to

    your screen. If you think you might even venture near the place, let alone

    go to the university to study, this is definitely the entry for you. Peer Review Thread

  • A3923372 - This entry about a little-known village in

    Ghana brings with it the sun and beauty of Africa. Currently very short it

    needs you to ask the right questions to make it a wonderful addition to

    the Edited Guide. Peer Review


  • A3933650 - We here are not the athletic, well

    coordinated types. But we know that some of you out there ARE! If you too

    can get a skateboard to olly1

    then check this out and see if you can add to it to help us poor people

    who can't. If you can't make a skateboard jump but would like to try then

    get along here and share your experience. Peer Review Thread

  • A3947196 - Still available in many newsagents', the

    pick-n-mix section will always bring back memories for many people. Share

    your memories here, or if you still buy pick-n-mix then share your

    present! New to H2G2 the author has definitely rolled out a topic that

    appeals to the masses. Peer Review


  • A3876050 - Having recently auditioned and been

    accepted for a part in a musical this seemed like the perfect topic for

    the author. Covering everything you might want to know, this entry takes

    you down the historic road of music theatre cast recording, from

    Oklahoma to Mary Poppins. Peer Review Thread

Not sure what to say in Peer Review after you’ve read an entry? Here

are some ideas:

  • What do you like best about the entry? It’s great for authors to get to

    hear what really works, not just where the problems are!

  • Are there pieces of the entry that you don’t understand? Let the author


  • Can you think of additional pieces of information that would help make the

    entry more complete? Share your knowledge!

  • Do you see any errors in the entry? Help make the entry as polished as

    possible before it hits the Front Page!

If you’re still stuck for ideas, try taking a look at what other

researchers have said in the thread.

Remember that reviewing isn't just for scouts. Everyone can do it and new

reviewers are very welcome. Don't be afraid to point things out just

because you are new to reviewing, it's all important.

Hopefully this has given you a bit of a jump start, so get down to

Peer Review today and help build our Edited


Focus on Peer Review



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h2g2 is created by h2g2's users, who are members of the public. The views expressed are theirs and unless specifically stated are not those of the Not Panicking Ltd. Unlike Edited Entries, Entries have not been checked by an Editor. If you consider any Entry to be in breach of the site's House Rules, please register a complaint. For any other comments, please visit the Feedback page.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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