A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Sub-editor

Spiff volunteering - it must mean trouble ahead

Post 1


Hi Anna, smiley - smiley

I have been bumbling about in peer review for a bit over a year now, and whilst not overly productive in EG acceptance terms, i think i contribute in my way to the overall process.

I have hesitated over volunteering for several of the schemes; whilst i'm certainly no guru, i could be a friendly meeter-greeter and possibly a decent scout.

But i think i'd best serve the guide as a sub-ed, and i've kinduv decided to offer my services, or at least step forward and get in the queue, smiley - smiley.

I'm in no hurry to be accepted, because i fear responsibility, smiley - yikes. I'd like to taken on this one, though, when the time is right. smiley - smiley I enjoy writing and discussing other people's writing enough to feel confident i won't let you down.

I realise I'm sposed to be trying to justify myself here, particularly, but just fyi, I like personal, stylish writing, and lots of it gets as far as being picked in PR, so i'd like to think i wouldn't be one of these 'hack subbies' that some writers complain of. smiley - biggrin

*can't believe he's volunteering for something - next i'll be getting round to joining the procrastinators society!*

Spiff volunteering - it must mean trouble ahead

Post 2

World Service Memoryshare team

Dear Spiff,

Good to see you here smiley - ok and thanks for volunteering. I'll add you to the list and will get back to you when I do my next round of recruiting smiley - smiley

See you around soon smiley - smiley


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Spiff volunteering - it must mean trouble ahead

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