A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Sub-editor

Do I really have to put something here?

Post 1

Robert Wall [Undead]

Hi everyone,
I'm Metaki (U205055), and I'd like to join the ranks of the sub-editors. Having read the sub-editing info pages, I'm now going to tell you why:

I've got a keen eye for detail. I proofread my Engligh Literature teacher's worksheets before he uses them in class. In my previous school, I was content manager for their website and magazine. I'm used to doing this sort of work.

I spend lots of time reading h2g2 anyway. I might as well put that time to good use smiley - winkeye.

I'm skilled in working with content authors and administrators to prepare articles for publication. I complete work on time, meet deadlines and know how much work I can do.

I'm experienced with English. I read books and articles in my free time and write occasionally. I'm the sort of person who knows those obscure parts of the language that your teachers used to correct you about.

This sounds like fun! Let's face it, how can working with a load of h2g2ers not be smiley - smiley?


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Do I really have to put something here?

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