A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Sub-editor

Sub Editor Application

Post 1


My name is Dylstra. I am nearing the end of my first year doing a Bachelor of Arts in English. The first article that I wrote for the Guide has been accepted into review by the sub editors.

Sub Editor Application

Post 2


I wish to become a sub-editor, because I have looked at all fo my other options, including not applying to anything, but this is the best option for me. I swear to uphold the ideals of the Guide if I am aceepted.

Researcher number : 196306

Sub Editor Application

Post 3

World Service Memoryshare team

Dear Dylstra,

Thank you for volunteering smiley - ok I'll add your name to the list and will let you know when I do the next round of recruitment smiley - smiley


Sub Editor Application

Post 4

World Service Memoryshare team

Dear Churba,

Thanks for volunteering! You might like to take a look at Peer Review before you get stuck in to subbing, so that you get to grips with the whole editorial process. I'll add your name to the list and will let you know when I do my next round of recruitment.

smiley - smiley


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