A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Sub-editor

Morning All

Post 1

Mu Beta

Master B - U190397

I thought it was about time I gave something back to h2g2 - I've taken so much (mostly the p**s).

[No - I don't start all my job applications this way, honest.]

So, having pondered this long and hard, I realised I'm not knowledgable enough to be a Guru, not patient enough to be a Scout, not nice enough to be an ACE and too independent to be a University Researcher.

I do, however, have a good eye for detail; an excellent (smiley - blush) command of the English Language; and a (begrudging) admiration for the Powers and their cushy job at the Beeb. Also, my last three Edited Guide entries have needed virtually no Sub-Editing, proving that either:

a) I have a style of writing which closely matches the recommended guidelines, or...

b) Your current SubEds need replacing smiley - winkeye


I think all the above qualifies me perfectly to be a Sub-Ed.

Especially since I've now got my own ISP, and don't need to scrounge other people's. smiley - biggrin


Morning All

Post 2

World Service Memoryshare team

Master B,

Thanks for volunteering! It would be a good idea to spend some time in PR so that you become familiar with the sorts of entries that are coming up and I'll give you a shout the next time I do a round of recruitment!

Catch up soon smiley - smiley


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