A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Sub-editor

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Post 1

kevo The god of Dragons

Hello, everyone at h2g2! First off, the basics: My researcher number is 200108, and my nickname is Lost kev. I think that I'd be a great sub-editor because I have a strong love of writing, writing pieces, and anything to do with writing and information. I'm hooked on this site and it's contents, and I think it's one of the better websites out there. No, that was not sucking up I think that I could contribute, and gain experience for myself, as well as having a great time. At the school I attend, English and Writing classes are largely downplayed as the classes that everybody hates, and the instructors act like they're just there for the money. I think being a sub-editor would give me more experience and allow for more improvement than any of those stodgy professors could. I desire to be a writer when I grow up; nothing else would satisfy me more. I admit my credentials aren't impressive: I only have basic editing skills (self-taught) but my spelling skills are ok. I really do have a saturnine love of writing and the english language. I tend to get a bit verbose- please consider me!

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