A Conversation for How to Write Entries in GuideML

Yes I know I'm thick as sh*te but still..

Post 1

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

Okay,I'm trying to put viewer in my space and it keeps saying it expects but its already within the body of the text. At the end of my guisde entry after body and guide it says guide expects ..error in guideml.What the hell does that guide want with so many bodies.dissection I guess.Anyways anybody out there patient enought o explain this to me?smiley - bigeyes

Yes I know I'm thick as sh*te but still..

Post 2


OK, firstly, make sure your article starts with and finishes with .

If you've got any smileys, in a style such as < biggrin >, change them to, for example, <SMILEY TYPE="biggrin" />.

Also, make sure that all your paragraph tags ( tags) are closed with an .

Finally, are you definitely closing the tag, that is, using instead of just ?

If that doesn't help, please could you paste the full GuideML code that it won't accept here? smiley - smiley


Yes I know I'm thick as sh*te but still..

Post 3

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

Might just have cracked it.I htink I might have been putting in smiley - laugh told you I was thick as sh8te didn't I.Hopefully if I don't do anything else at all it might just work.Boy ,do ineed to spend sometime in that old guideml clinic!!!smiley - ta You're a star.

Yes I know I'm thick as . but still..

Post 4


Great! No problem! smiley - smiley


Yes I know I'm thick as . but still..

Post 5

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

Oh there'll be more the minute I try anything elsesmiley - rofl thanks for taking the time,honey!!

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