A Conversation for The Edited Guide

update on progrress

Post 61

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

I have, however, tried to edit what's in here to get at some of your points above -- is how it is now any better?

smiley - cheers

update on progrress

Post 62

LL Waz

Yes, thanks for that, Mikey.

'Contribute' does need an update. Actually I think, from memory, there're two of them for some reason. I think the whole Help/Tour set needs a review though. There's an awful lot of it for newcomers to go through.

Thanks again for the edit.

update on progrress

Post 63


Through an outrageously random series of clicks I happened upon this today. Is this something eventually bound for Peer Review and if it is, is it close?

update on progrress

Post 64

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Well, I think the original goal was to have it become part of the "help pages", so the process would be a bit different than the usual PR thing. But interest seemed to die off, and I guess I lost the motivation. If people think it would be helpful, I'd be willing to push forward with it again, though.

update on progrress

Post 65


smiley - space
hi smiley - smiley
is this a draft of a finished product? that is already up somewhere? or is this something unique that needs to be finished so it can be used by everyone?

i just happened upon it and it is very good!

so! smiley - biggrin whats up?


update on progrress

Post 66

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Nope, this is the most finished version of it that exists, unless someone has done something else with it and not let me know. To the degree that it's useful, it already can be used by anyone. smiley - biggrin

update on progrress

Post 67


smiley - space
but it is in a list of entries up for review in the collaborative writers workshop http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/RF3 the first in the list: the edited guide

also... Collaborative Writing Workshop doesnt seem to have been accessed in a long long time... i am even wondering if it is even 'manned' anymore... or womanned for that matter smiley - yikes

the way it is set up it looks like it could be a very nice way to get entries started... where people put in ideas .... so if i made an idea and then followed the directions on cww and sent it to the cww... who is going to look at it and who is going to help with it? it seems it needs to be defined better or brought to the attention of the researchers on h2g2 yes?

does this make any sense? smiley - huh lemme know what you think okay?

update on progrress

Post 68


The Collaborative Writing Workshop is no longer an official part of the Guide's review process; it was discontinued a good while (two years?) ago.smiley - smiley

update on progrress

Post 69


yes as a review process perhaps... like peer review... but it looks to me like this could be a good idea a good hub for folks to put in entries for others to look at and volunteer to help with.... maybe rewrite or design it so its not the editors thing but just the researchers thing.

update on progrress

Post 70


Yes - you see, that's how it used to be, but there wasn't much activity here, so development on entries was consolidated into the Edited Guide Writing-Workshop.

update on progrress

Post 71


smiley - space
yeah the workshop... i ran into some dialogue in peer review where they didnt want to saddle the workshop with ...seemingly not serious entries...

i was under the impression the workshop was for working on stuff... not having someone work on it for you so much as you work on it with some casual advice on what you work on.

now this collaborative writers workshop looks like it is set up too serious.. too System... if it could be set up like a regular entry with just conversations below instead of this list of "review" entries...

maybe it would be less confusing and less daunting... more casual and not so off-putting to someone who is, after all, just in the idea stage of the process

the entry could have almost an outline with some blurb on the idea and a call for any collaborators who are interested and wanna take part...

i really want to put this in my Writer's Lounge's Library A24368024... but it needs to be working.

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - smiley

update on progrress

Post 72


Well, you can create whatever informal system you want on h2g2 - that's one of the reasons why it's amazing! But as for the "official" schemes, we mostly have to work within the editors' rules, and the conventions of 7-odd years of h2g2. However, you're certainly welcome to pioneer anything that interests you.

update on progrress

Post 73


but the title Collaborative Writers Workshop is already taken... here... and defunct... could i get permission to "update" it and get it going again as how i described?

update on progrress

Post 74


smiley - space
sorry i hit post instead of preview hehe

anyway.... how would i do that ? get ahold of mikey? ask him if its okay? then get ahold a ...who to update it... i know theres an update place here.... that way? (im a newbie smiley - blush)

update on progrress

Post 75

Gnomon - time to move on

The Edited Guide Writing Workshop is for any sort of writing which is eventually going to go in the Edited Guide. It can be solo with advice, or collaborative. But it is for entries which intend to ultimately fit the Writing Guidelines and end up on the Front Page.

Since the Collaborative Workshop is now defunct, we should ask the Editors to move everything out of it and put up a "closed" notice.

update on progrress

Post 76

Gnomon - time to move on

The best thing you can do, fluffy, is to talk to the Editors about it. Mikey is only a Researcher like ourselves and she doesn't have the power to go changing the way a Review Forum works.

update on progrress

Post 77


smiley - space
yes but i want to make it UNdefunct!! smiley - wah

this is the opening paragraph on the Collaborative Writer's Workshop entry....

>>If you've got an idea for a great Guide Entry but would like help writing it, then the Collaborative Writing Workshop is the place for you. This is where you can get together with other smiley - disco BUDDING smiley - disco writers to develop brilliant Guide Entries while also developing your writing skills.<<

now... i read that and the next paragraph...

>>The first step is to create a Guide Entry that contains the bare bones of your idea (it doesn't matter how bare they are!). Then you need to put this entry into the Collaborative Writing Workshop.<<

...to mean you put together an idea and maybe an outline... then come in here to find other researchers to work with on it ...to flesh it out before it is even ready for the Writer's Workshop....

so okay... i will go look for some editors or go to the update place.... where ever that is smiley - wow

thanks gnomon and everyone smiley - smiley

update on progrress

Post 78

Gnomon - time to move on

Why would you want to revive the Collaborative Workshop? We've already got:

- the Edited Guide Writing Workshop for Entries that are intended to go in the Edited Guide

- the Alternative Writing Workshop, for entries which aren't.

Both of these can be used solo or collaboratively, so there's no need for another workshop.

update on progrress

Post 79


smiley - space
not as a WORKSHOP per se... more like a place where someone who has an idea, and wants other's to collaborate on deciding what content it should have, and who want to help make it happen.... can come to and offer it and others can look in and see what ideas are being offered....? is there something like that already here?

i bet there is

update on progrress

Post 80

Gnomon - time to move on

That's what a workshop is.

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