A Conversation for do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

'do guys prefer curvey girls, or girls with no curves?'

Post 1


that, i feel, is a silly question, the obvious answer to which is 'it depends on the guy'.
then again, if you think about it, if a girl had absolutly no curves at all, it would be kindof weird, and hugging her would be like hugging a large column. so curves to some degree, i feel, are good. but it really does depend on the guy what degree of curvyness is attractive.

'do guys prefer curvey girls, or girls with no curves?'

Post 2



'do guys prefer curvey girls, or girls with no curves?'

Post 3


to say it on a good way: curves is'n all, but it a little plusssmiley - winkeye

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'do guys prefer curvey girls, or girls with no curves?'

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