A Conversation for The classical violin


Post 1

Dr. Funk


Thanks for incorporating all that stuff into your entry! I should point out two little corrections, though.

1. Where you say it "connects the back to the front," yuo should say "connects the top to the bottom"--as it says in the preceding sentence.

2. The sound post doesn't do anything to make the violin more structurally sound--it just stands up in there without anything to hold it up but a tight fit. No glue, no tape, no nothing. A good knock on the instrument, and certainly dropping it, is liable to make the sound post fall over and roll around inside the body of the instrument; getting it upright again is a real pain.

Dr. F.


Post 2

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Gentlemen, I have an article entitled "The Violin" to sub. Having the same number as this one, it is obviously an early version.

Is the yarn now in its finished form? If so, I will cut and paste the new version and sub that.

Should I add Dr Funk's name as a co-researcher?

I await your response - hopefully before Monday, UK time, when I intend to send all my subbed yarns back to h2g2 Towers.


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