A Conversation for The classical violin
A392564 - The Violin
Gag Halfrunt Started conversation Sep 2, 2000
I can't believe There hasn't been one yet, so I wrote it!
A392564 - The Violin
Gag Halfrunt Posted Sep 5, 2000
Unfortunately I know nothing of it... It will prolly make it's way into a seperate entry if it is as... whatever as you said!
A392564 - The Violin
Crescent Posted Sep 5, 2000
The fiddle is just a different way to use a violin Instead of classical pieces being played, it is folk stuff, normally to dance to
Listen to some Steeleye Span, or The Old Blind Dogs (if you can find them
to see what I mean
Until later.....
BCNU - Crescent
A392564 - The Violin
Dr. Funk Posted Sep 5, 2000
Actually, fiddles are structurally different from violins, albeit slightly. There is, however, a certain kind of Norwegian fiddle that is quite different from a violin--it has extra resonant strings and that sort of thing. Anyway, I think "The Fiddle" would deserve its own entry, if only because there are so many different fiddling styles, and it might be a little silly to compact them all into one section of an entry on the violin. For the sake of clarity, maybe it's best to stick to classical/jazz violin for this one.
To the critique: great start, but as a violinist/fiddler, I'd go for some more technical details (like the parts of the instrument, what kind of wood it's made out of) as well as a little bit more about the history of the instrument, maybe including famous violin makers. I can provide the technical details for you if you like. I'll post something to the discussion section of the entry shortly and you can decide whether or not you want to use any of it, and incorporate it as you see fit.
A392564 - The Violin
Gag Halfrunt Posted Sep 5, 2000
i can probably find it, But I'll credit you if you post, Gag Halfrunt And Dr Funk sounds good, they're both doctors anyway!
A392564 - The Violin
Crescent Posted Sep 6, 2000
I might be able to do a bit on the Mongolian Horse Fiddle.....
BCNU - Crescent
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A392564 - The Violin
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