A Conversation for The Crying Game
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sync101 Started conversation Aug 29, 2008
After seeing the last episode of the first series of Eli Stone!
In this tear jerking episode the cute but believable young lawyer with an aneurysm takes on the case of a scientist who has a machine that he says indicate an imminent earthquake that will destroy the San Francisco Bridge. The only reason Eli wanted the case was to find a court order to close the bridge because he had a vision about it!
And if that doesn't make you watch the episode I could have some serious issues with crying. Not because I was bawling or anything! In fact if you happened to witness the event you would have had to be very observant to notice the glistening eyes that gave away the fact that I was crying.
But those who know me will understand that I was extremely emotional when, after Eli's unprofessional conduct gets discovered in the court case and he loses the case, but the Major closes the bridge in any case and the earthquake happens. Watch it if you want to feel that mushy awwww-tug-at-your-heart-string feeling again.
Which begs me to wonder why I was bawling? It probably begs you what's all the fuss but trust me!
Am I the only one?
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