A Conversation for The Crying Game


Post 1


Before I start answering these questions, you must understand that I am an extremely emotional person. I can cry at an advert. No, seriously!

So pretty much anything makes me cry! I can cry at nice things, I can cry at scary things, I can cry at nasty things. Anything that makes me emotional in some form or other, will make me cry.

The last time I cried was on Friday. I am leaving my current place of employment for a new job, and I was saying goodbye to one of my really close mates at work. Sob!

It is utter nonsense that men don’t cry. Of course they do. They just pretend that they don’t out of some kind of machismo or something equally daft.

I don’t think that women do cry too easily… we have SUCH a complicated body chemistry with all those essential damned hormones coursing all over the place – it is not surprising that our emotions are close to the surface and therefore we cry more often than men.

If there were only 3 times it was okay to cry… then there would be a lot of emotionally repressed people. I would say acceptable places to cry? Hatches, Matches and Dispatches.

I think it isn’t okay to cry in public and I try desperately to ensure that I don’t. Only because I go red and blotchy and look really rather horrible. So it is vanity at work really.

What film makes me cry? I cannot remember the title of it, but there is a goat with one horn which a little child decides is a unicorn and spends all his money to buy. Makes me sob, even when I think about it.

Sniffle. Sob. You’ve started me off!!

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