Pandora you make my heart ache!
Pandora Posted Jul 30, 2000
So, are you saying a dread lock is a braid?!? What the heck's a plait?
Are you saying to 'roll' the hair...or 'braid' the hair?!? I'm wanting to try it where the har's a bit shroter in the front, from bangs I had years ago, and now are cut at angles, as Jeniffer Anisten wears her hair, except mine is much longer.
Pandora you make my heart ache!
Katsy a.k.a. Esti Posted Jul 30, 2000
They are almost the same thing excpet with a braid is when you have beads or something mixed in with it....hmmm, that's an idea! I'm getting more of a rock chic by the moment! Everyone's having a go at me for wearing those wrist bands with the spikes and sometime in the next few weeks I plan to dye my hair red!!!!
Pandora you make my heart ache!
Pandora Posted Aug 1, 2000
Why not try one braid down the side of your face, as I do...then tuck a feather or two into the band at the bottom of the braid?
Pandora you make my heart ache!
Katsy a.k.a. Esti Posted Aug 1, 2000
That is a very good idea!
I've just dyed my hair now actually. I just have to wait half an hour and rinse it to see the results! Should be interesting! I'll let you know!
Pandora you make my heart ache!
Katsy a.k.a. Esti Posted Aug 2, 2000
Well, it turns out the dye I used was meant for medium blonde to medium brown hair, and I've got mainly dark brown hair, but at the front it is medium brown, so it only really worked at the front, and where I shoved tons of it on, and it also depends how the light shines on it. In the sunshine it is pretty red, but in artificial light it looks pretty much the same as before, but where it's worked has been good! Next time I'll have to get a dye meant for darker hair!
Pandora you make my heart ache!
Pandora Posted Aug 5, 2000
"Well, I can't say much. I don't care for RED hair...but highlights sound lovely! My dark hair has a dye on it called "Sunset" it's mainly, red, purple, blue & golden in the sun...& still looks 'normal'
while in the house.
hair colours
Katsy a.k.a. Esti Posted Aug 10, 2000
Cool! sounds interesting!
I'm gonna look around the shops and look for a dye meant for DARK HAIR!!!
hair colours
Pandora Posted Aug 10, 2000
See if you can find the one called Sunset! Some of the guys say it's blue in the sun...others purple or red! There was a dye at the salon I wanted to try I froget the name but Keli said it was too dark for my hair! It was...now I remember...Purple Haze! But she put Mahogany in instead...that gave it the red highlights...but I love the purple tones! My soon to be former husband wishes I was blonde...I tried blonde...I'd have to go VERY light & do my eyebrows too & the worst part is...as fast as my hair grows...I'd have to touch it up every two to three weeks! Forget about it! Sheesh! Men..... Everyone else tells me how beautiful my hair is. Then he'll say, "yeah it's pretty." I tried to tell bim that women like to hear nice things & compliments about our cooking, etc! Well, hopefully his next wife will be treated better...he's not that bad really...I'm just really tired of being 'arm candy'! Don't ever be flattered because a guy thinks you're beautiful! Be flattered when they say, "You're so smart!"
Walter of Colne Posted Aug 10, 2000
Gooday Pandora,
How are you going? On that last post of yours, I agree, man or woman it's nice to be told you are smart - good looking would be nice, too, but I have to keep in some touch with reality. But do we want flattery, or compliments? How does that line go, something like 'flatter to deceive'? Oh, the weather: one day it'sike early Summer, last night it snowed. Take care,
Katsy a.k.a. Esti Posted Aug 12, 2000
Don't tell me it's early spring! It only tells me winter draws near! I'm already 3 weeks into my school holiday which means 3 weeks left!
Remember I said I knew a James from Skandal look-a-like? He wanted me to dye my hair blonde, but i said no using the excuse that mum would kill me, whatever colour I dye it, and here I am with dyed red hair! I fancy him like mad so I feel like I want to do it for him....not a good idea I know, besides, the last time I saw him was back in November so he'd probably never be there to marval at it anyway!
Pandora Posted Aug 13, 2000
Hello Walter! It's always a treat to hear from you! And I don't care if you have an extra eye or two...you have a lovely spirit. Your inner self can make or break what folks think of you. I've known drop dead,
beautiful people. Once you get to know them, they are truely ugly! As for the compliments...when I have a good dinner ready for the fellow &
he sucks it down quickly & never says a word, it makes me think twice before I go to all the bother the next time. And yes, I could use SOME flattery from time to time. If I dress to please myself, but go an extra step knowing it's something that he likes, what's wrong with a fleeting mention of praise? I think he's punishing me when he says nothing. Or cuts flowers & puts them in a vase by his chair. He use to bring in flowers 'for me'. I'm very easy to please & try not to set myself up for disappointment but he lets me down in a variety of ways on a daily basis. Others will come into the cabin & say, "Valerie, it looks wonderful in here & smells so good." He responds with,"Yep, it's the wood." It's just over between us but he won't give me my freedom.
He takes money from my purse & leaves me stuck 8 miles from the Village w/o a car. It started by taking the cable off the battery. The hood of the Cadilac is much too heavy for me to open. But when I finally did get it open & go to town, he took the distributor cap away & I don't have a clue where to look for it. The thing is, I bought the cars, land...everything. If/when I go, he won't be left w/much. I
have promised that I will make sure he has plenty of whatever he needs
to get started over. I've even said he could have Belle! My next thought is to give him the house in town. The fellow buying it has run into problems & it may not be sold. He had zero when we got together
so, anything I give him would be more than he had. I would even give him another chance IF he were to change...just a bit. I've certainly changed for him, thinking it would be a compromise...but for many years it's been me doing the giving & he taking even MORE than what's given & never so much as a thank you, kiss my backside or a go to the devil. How to deal with that? I don't yell & fuss like many wives I know. I've come to depend on friends for compliments. A lady who's always been told she's beautiful, inside & out, comes to expect a BIT of attention. And by God, I'd best fawn over whatever project he's done! What a mess I've gotten myself into. I'm a happy person turning sad. And I don't care for it in the least!
I keep asking about the weather because I am thinking of visiting the area & perhaps living there if I find it to my liking. There's no burning desire to stay in the U.S. - Sorry to cry on your shoulder...
I'll not make a habit of it! Promise!!! Have a nice week-end...is this
about to be Springtime for you then? And do you know what the time difference is? Toodles~Pan (it's 1am-time to get back to work)
Life can be a bugger
Walter of Colne Posted Aug 13, 2000
Gooday Pandora,
Hey, you can cry on my shoulder whenever you feel like it. It sounds like your man has come to take you too much for granted. I fell into the same trap, so I'm in no position to be critical. I got lucky, got another chance, and this time around maybe I'm doing a few things a bit better. Life can be a bugger sometimes, but for the most part it is way way ahead of the alternative. And if your man won't pick flowers for you, pick your own and put them by YOUR chair. Compliments: I'll tell you a quick story that just lightened my whole week. I have a dear friend who has a daughter, Clio; she is eight. Next week at Clio's school they have a morning where each child is invited to bring along their 'favourite adult' other than their parents, to see what the children do at school and take part in activities together. Clio invited me! Now that's what I call a compliment - whether or not it is deserved is another matter, but I can tell you I will be at the school right on time!
I'm not sure of the time difference between here and the USA, but I think it is about eighteen hours - perhaps someone will be able to tell us the exact figure. It is 5.30 in the evening as I write. And although Spring doesn't officially arrive for two weeks, the weather has been sunny and mild for the weekend. You take very good care Two Feathers, and may the Force be with you.
Life can be a bugger
Katsy a.k.a. Esti Posted Aug 13, 2000
Well, officially I was in the sunniest place in the country yesterday! We had 14 hours (and not once did any cloud come in front of the sun!) and it was 27 C! Today it is very misty and humid at 26 C, ah well.....
Life can be a bugger
Pandora Posted Aug 15, 2000
14 hours is about the amount of sleep I could use! I don't know if I'll EVER become use to starting work at mid-night!
I've been sleeping in the woods for several days & the hammock's calling my name...Valerie...come to me... Thank you for the loan of your shoulder!!! That little girl KNOWS a good heart when she feels one! How sweet is THAT?!? Ahhh, see, you're just so kind! The wee one's know! (they generally like to use me like a Jungle Gym) My
friend Jackie is in her early 30's & has 8 children!!! She says I'm the only person she knows who calls to see when the kids will be home!
LOL! Most people try to avoid them. Her one boy 'Jerico' has had a crush on me for the past 4 years! He's so cute. Just turned 13. He just sits with his face in his hands & stares at me! Now there's where to go to be told I'm pretty-HA! He's ALWAYS saying,"You're so beautiful!" Cracks me up! Who knows...maybe he'll be my NEXT husband!
Bear was in love with me from the time he was 13!!! He's 8 yrs. younger than I. And you are so right Walter. I'll just pick my own flowers...but you see, I'm the type that would still put them next to his chair. I never want to make anyone feel left out, or hurt their feelings. I guess that's why I'm so very surprised when it happens to me! I can hardly wait to hear about your visit to your 'girlfriend's
school! You never did tell me what you do for a living? But if you will have to kill me afterward...never mind
Back to the camp fire for me! And into the pool tomarrow! As a matter of fact...if the air's not too cool I'll be taking a quick skinny dip.
(I'll have to pile my hair up-the other night I slept w/ damp hair &
I thought I would freeze!) It's about 58 degrees now & no wind. The pool is heated to 89 degrees...the steam is rolling off the top! Thank you again for being here for me. I do promise not be become depressed all over you It was a Full Moon last night-must have pulled on my emotions. G-Evening! Pandy
Life can be beaut
Walter of Colne Posted Aug 15, 2000
Gooday Pandora,
Yes, it was a full moon and I reckon that can do STRANGE things to all manner of creatures. Went to Clio's school this morning; did not want to leave. Those little ones, they are just so beautiful and so natural - what a pity they have to grow up. Clio presented me with a 'most special moment with you' card that she had made. The special moment was when I first put her on the back of our old mare. Then into the school hall to be entertained by the littlies, with dancing, singing, readings and a small play. I've had a lot worse mornings, I can tell you.
I grabbed a bunch of flowers from a roadside stall last evening as we were on the way to my lady's mum, who is recovering from an op. I thought about you and was telling my lady about how your man no longer brings you flowers, and disables the Caddie. She reckons that you should tell him to roll his swag and shoot through. On the other hand, if he is a bit younger than you, he may in time grow up; most men never really grow up, but they do usually improve with age. Trouble is, by the time our minds start to get in shape our bodies can't keep up.
Since you asked, I work in labour relations. It pays the bills (most of the time) and as a bonus, I like the job and the people I work with. For now, take good care,
Life can be beautiful
Pandora Posted Aug 15, 2000
Walter, you've brought smile(s) to my face once again!! I hope your friend will quickly recover from her operation. How thoughtful for you to pick flowers for her! See what a sweet pea you are?!? Your lady sounds like alot of fun! I just may take her advice! LOL!!! And believe me I've been waiting for him to grow up. But just when he makes a step forward...he takes two steps back! Ahhhhhhhhh! We've been together more than 8 years. The reason we built our dream home is because the Dr.'s ALL said I would die before the end of '98. Well, I went & mucked things up by living beyond my experation date. And now I'm really
screwing things up by becoming well. Not totally...but I have only had one really bad relapse in the last year or longer! And I haven't gone to the hospital in a very long time. My Dr. says he's not lucky enough for me to drop dead & he's just got a 'feeling' that I'll out live him! HA! How's that for support?!? LOL!! It's nearly 5am...I ended up getting my hair wet in the pool & I was freezing in the woods...so now my bed is calling me I didn't even build a fire...I'm still in need of sleep. I awaken every two hours! (pain wakes me) So, I've just taken two pain pills...they were small...so THAT oughta' do the trick I'm very pleased to know that you like your job!!! That's THE most important thing!!!
And I'm tickeled pink that your young 'girlfriend' has such fond memories that she shares with her school mates! You've made a deep impression on her-what better legacy could you ever leave?!? Not that you're going any place too soon...but how sweet! Really! Way to go!!! Have a good evening or morning-I never know what salutations to give you! So, I'll just say,"Take care! And just keep being Walter!"
Life can be beautiful
Katsy a.k.a. Esti Posted Aug 17, 2000
*Katsy is sobbing because mummy is too tired to put dinner on so she's going to have to act grown up and get some food herself *
Life can be beautiful
Pandora Posted Aug 18, 2000
Think of my hand touching your face...no, not like that...more of a SMACK! ! ! Spoiled kid! You're lucky you're not mine!!! I'd not only have you making dinner EVERY night...but doing your laundry & cleaning the entire house as well!!! Now...does Katsy feel better about fixing her own nummies?!?
Life can be beautiful
Katsy a.k.a. Esti Posted Aug 20, 2000
Mummy always makes me my dinner! Every so often I DO cook dinner (when I can be bothered!) and she loves it! I blame my cookery teacher for making me cook so well, cos mummy makes me make it saying "I cook dinner better than her!"
And I've been dreaming about James from Skandal again, probably why I've been so vivid today.... http://www.btinternet.com/~sparshott/j2.jpg
Key: Complain about this post
Pandora you make my heart ache!
- 21: Pandora (Jul 30, 2000)
- 22: Katsy a.k.a. Esti (Jul 30, 2000)
- 23: Pandora (Aug 1, 2000)
- 24: Katsy a.k.a. Esti (Aug 1, 2000)
- 25: Pandora (Aug 2, 2000)
- 26: Katsy a.k.a. Esti (Aug 2, 2000)
- 27: Pandora (Aug 5, 2000)
- 28: Katsy a.k.a. Esti (Aug 10, 2000)
- 29: Pandora (Aug 10, 2000)
- 30: Walter of Colne (Aug 10, 2000)
- 31: Katsy a.k.a. Esti (Aug 12, 2000)
- 32: Pandora (Aug 13, 2000)
- 33: Walter of Colne (Aug 13, 2000)
- 34: Katsy a.k.a. Esti (Aug 13, 2000)
- 35: Pandora (Aug 15, 2000)
- 36: Walter of Colne (Aug 15, 2000)
- 37: Pandora (Aug 15, 2000)
- 38: Katsy a.k.a. Esti (Aug 17, 2000)
- 39: Pandora (Aug 18, 2000)
- 40: Katsy a.k.a. Esti (Aug 20, 2000)
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