The h2g2 Poem

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The Owl and The Pussycat

The owl and the pussycat went to sea

On a beautiful pea green boat

But what happened after that should be put to vote.

Did old owl and pussycat argue all the time?

Or am I saying that to ease along my rhyme?

Were old owl and kitty singing drunkenly?

Well I'm afraid that remains for you to see.

One night they were fishing for that night's food

And once it was eaten they agreed it was good

But old pussy's stomach had not yet had its fill

And so she though the owl should pay the bill.

Pussy leapt with claws out chasing for her pray

So the poor old owl got up and flew away

That night the boat was caught up in a storm

And dear old pussycat was where she did not belong.

The storm swept her up and carried her away

Old owl flew above crying in dismay

The boat against some rocks smashed to splinters was

And so I sit here and wonder why because.

Finally upon a shore a drowned kitty was found

And beside a sodden owl joined in fate was bound

Taken from the sea shore in a bucket the two

Were buried side by side like friends so true

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

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