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posting in the discussion threads to "stuff"

Post 1


umm just a little request to the ones maintaining this here wonderfull piece of .net ....
could we please please pretty please with a little sugar on top have a way to edit the things we say in discussion threads??
(after we've klicked the [post message]-button)
i know it sounds a bit squamish, but hey, let go of ancient ways of regarding discussions and the form they should have. posting little ditties in a thread is way different from blurting out your opinion in a pub among friends (well maybe not too different smiley - winkeye )a great many forums - .net things that resemble h2g2 a great deal in technical form- allow for users to edit their own postings. all of their postings.
imagine: you're out there in the supermarket and this girl (man?) you've been giving the eye for weeks now at last speaks to you and starts telling you how nice it is of the sun to shine today. you blurt out a long and boring quote of the german philosopher Goethe in response. wouldn't you like to go back in time and replace that with a more appropriate response?
would it be right to do so? i don't know and i don't wanna be the judge of that. the only things i want to be the judge of is of what i do and of what i say. here's what i call freedom; to be free in what you deem right to do or say. "real life(tm)" doesn't allow for one to set mistakes in word or deed right like forums do(for words at least smiley - winkeye ). is that a bad thing or a good thing? i don't want to give a definite answer to dat, i only want to cast my vote and make my point.
i say yes it can, so yes it should.

so please, pretty please build me a little [edit post] button to redeem myself in those cases that i abuse my keyboard in ways i wouldn't dare contemplate when sober :P

posting in the discussion threads to "stuff"

Post 2


oh and typo's and spelling errors too smiley - winkeye

posting in the discussion threads to "stuff"

Post 3


And let go of the continuity... smiley - sadface
I vote no!

Well, I might like if it was possible to edit a post until it had been replied to, but that's rather tricky I guess.

smiley - smiley

posting in the discussion threads to "stuff"

Post 4


We may add an editing feature, and then flag postings as 'edited' when they are changed, but as Ottox says, this can really break up the way Conversation flows. The jury's still out.

There's a preview button you can use when posting - it's a good idea to use that to try to prevent typing errors in the meantime.


posting in the discussion threads to "stuff"

Post 5

I'm not really here

I did once suggest a button to let us modify posts. One message board I was on let you change your post for up to half an hour, then it was too late.
I think h2g2 moves too fast for that though, in half an hour you could have had lots of replies, and I think it was Peta that pointed out that it could be used in the wrong way, to say something bad, then change it to something innocent so the people answering it looked bad. I'd never seen it used like that though.

posting in the discussion threads to "stuff"

Post 6


Ah, but the potential is there. I'm against being able to change once you've posted. Even if nobody's replied to the posting, people may have still read it.

I would like a spell checker though smiley - smiley But that could really slow the servers down if it was stuck in. And there's now guarantee that the spell checker would be any better than any of us.

smiley - rose

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