A Conversation for Trailer of the Temptress(UG)
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Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) Started conversation Apr 26, 2007
Deidzoeb, this was a finely executed piece. Your characterizations of the people on the stage (troll, treasure, temptress) were keenly described by your main character. Those insights and asides made for an intriguing 'real life vignette' from someone living in an alternate universe. Your use of understatement hinted at so much more in the background of the tale, the reader must fairly sit up and ask, "C'mon, tell us the rest, won't you?"
Alt History 101
Deidzoeb Posted May 1, 2007
Thanks! Drop me a note or a comment or something if you writesomethinginthisveinyourself.
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