A Conversation for The Prez Elections: Peregrin and Bluebottle.

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 21


Hmm. I hadn't noticed this forum before, and have just read it. Perhaps I should make a few comments...

- I rarely take anything seriously. If my campaign gets too serious, I don't expect people to vote for me. H2G2 is, to me, somewhere to relax and enjoy myself, not argue, and somewhere to make friends, not opponents.

- I personally do not want to use the length or quality of my experience of H2G2 to throw my weight in the campaign. Bluebottle has used H2G2 a lot more than me, and I think he has his finger well on the pulse of H2G2/h2g2. This may be useful but I think it doesn't necessarily mean we would be a better presidential team (sorry BB smiley - winkeye). I think that we make a good team anyway, regardless of experience.

- I like cheese on toast.

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 22


This whole "more experience" thing was only something I wrote at the start of the forum 'cos I wanted to know if anyone wrote in it, and I couldn't think of anything better to say smiley - winkeye

- I like Bananas.
Ha! Beat that!

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 23

Demon Drawer

I like papaya and mangoes too. smiley - smiley

Surely that beats that. smiley - smiley

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 24

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

I like cheese on toast also. smiley - smiley

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 25

Post Team

Me too... especially topped off with a fried egg and smothered in brown sauce! How do you all rate jam and cheese sarnies? I am just curious as that is just about my staple diet, but other people think it disgusting!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 26

Demon Drawer

I take mine with marmalade as well as Jam and people (mainly my mother) think that is disgusting. smiley - smiley

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 27

Post Team

Thick Chunky or the delicate 'Roses Lime Marmalade'? I think that Chesire Cheese goes well with that, and 'Gales Lemon Curd' benefits from a gentle Caerphilly. I think that I will go and get something to eat now! smiley - tongueout
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 28

Demon Drawer

Think Chucnky or course, with cheddar. smiley - smiley

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 29


Leerdamer cheese is very nice melted on toast. It's a Norwegian cheese.
I bought some Emmental today, which is my favourite cheese of all. It's expensive but delicious. It's a Swiss cheese, the one most commonly found in fondues. It'll probably taste very nice on toast, I'll try it tomorrow. I would try it tonight but I've been eating malt loaf while H2G2ing - a bad move - I've just noticed that I've eaten the whole thing.

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 30

Post Team

Malt loaf! Yum... there is some downstairs! I think that I will go and have some... with some Gouda of course smiley - smiley
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 31


Now one of my housemates has eaten my other malt loaf. No malt loaf left! AAAAAaargh!

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 32

Post Team

Take a packet of All Bran... um, oops... maybe I should save it for the recipes in the POST LOL!
Are you firmly stuck with just Malt Loaf and cheese then Peregrin? Just a thought, perhaps you have some favourite student recipes you would like to share? We do have a high proportion of *roomies* reading the POST after all smiley - smiley
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 33


Hmm... good idea... I could share my pasta-burning techniques and fish finger roasting experience to the wider world.

Today in our house we had a maggot-removing session from the washing up pile. Maybe it's time to wash up...

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 34


I hope that you didn't waste the maggots... try passing them on as white licquorice sticks!! smiley - bigeyes
Fried pasta and roast fish fingers? That brings back memories! LOL
You write it... I'll publish it smiley - smiley
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 35


I was planning on tying them onto Peregrin's dressing gown's rope and going fishing with them in our sink... I'm sure that fish must have evolved inside our sink by now....

Not that I believe in evolution, of course.

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 36


I'll write something for next week's POST shazz... I'll see if Bluebottle wants to help, he *lives* on fish fingers and pasta!

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 37


On second thoughts... there's a very good article on student food at http://www.h2g2.com/A208883 and I don't think I could add much to it really.

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 38


This week I have been mostly eating rich tea biscuits and breakfast cereal.

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 39

Jenny and Fred the cheese

I will only vote for someone who offers a 'latest posts' button on forums, but i love you both

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 40


Don't worry, it's coming. I cannot offer it personally but H2G2 towers can, and it's something which I'm campaigning for as soon as possible.

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