A Conversation for The Prez Elections: Peregrin and Bluebottle.

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 1


I think it is important to remember that both Peregrin and Bluebottle have had over a year's worth of H2G2 experience, and so have been on it longer than any other electoral team.

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 2

Post Team

Pulling rank eh?!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 3


It's just a case of having the people who know H2G2 the best as President. Who can know it better than those who have been with it since pretty much the start?

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 4

Post Team

Hmmm... well, as a near founder member you should know that the Towers insist that the site is referred to in small case! h2g2 smiley - tongueout
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 5

Demon Drawer

And they say they now h2g2 best. smiley - tongueout

I've seen them trying to pull rank elsewhere. I would be interesting to do a count up of posts, forums and articles at some point and see who has used the site most, not necessarily longest. smiley - winkeye

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 6


Well, I think I would come pretty near the top.
Besides - I refuse to call it lower case. It is, to me, H2G2.
Besides... someone's Film Society calls it H2G2 and not h2g2 smiley - tongueout

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 7

Demon Drawer

Touche. smiley - winkeye

However it didn't look right in the title box in lower case. smiley - winkeye

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 8


Very true. I'm used to capitalising names. When I use Messenger, I always use correct punctuation when I can (I occasionally make spelling mistakes smiley - winkeye). I think "H2G2" looks better than "h2g2", it's not a major issue.
Besides, when you link, you write Not so it isn't as if "H2G2" is NEVER officially used, Shazz smiley - winkeye

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 9

Post Team

Hmmm! As ALL GuideML coding is in upper case, I don't think that really applies, especially as it is all hidden in tags!

shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 10


Ah - now you're just arguing for the sake of it... smiley - winkeye
Besides - H2G2 is a name, and so *should* be capitalised. We are on a British English site as they tell us so often...

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 11

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

I think Peregrin and Bluebottle's insistence on rank by length of association is highly dubious. I have been a member of h2g2 for less than a month, I feel very disappointed that my lack of seniority may later be used against me.

When you think about it, insistence on seniority will tend to favor British candidates -- thus putting the Americans and other foreign researchers at an inherent disadvantage. Why do I say this? Well, it seems many British researchers joined after watching a television show called Tomorrow's World which is NOT broadcast outside the UK (to my knowledge).

I'm voting for someone more inclusive. So there. :-p

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 12


I wasn't being that serious about it - just making a very small point which everyone seems to be taking seriously. It ain't a serious election - just a laugh. If it stops being enjoyable, then I will be the first to quit.
I have never "insisted" on rank by seniority - everyone's taking it the wrong way. At the end of the day, we're all human, and all researchers are made up of the same blood, guts, eyeballs and stomach acid as all the others, and so are all equal.

In any case, neither Peregrin or I joined after seeing "Tomorrow's World" on TV - neither of us owned or had access to a TV at the time, and to the best of my knowledge, none of the current candidates joined after seeing it on Tomorrow's World either - so that doesn't matter.

Your lack of seniority won't be used against you, but anyone who takes ANYTHING I say seriously should remember that this ISN'T a big deal. Vote for whoever, just have fun doing it.

And may the Feet be with you.

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 13

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

I know it's all a lark. smiley - smiley However, that won't stop me from taking things horribly out of context. Isn't that part of what an election is all about?

I say Peregrin is too sensitive to criticism! Our Virtual President needs a thick skin!

smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 14


Oh? I didn't think Peregrin had said anything in this conversation, just me. Or have you spotted something somewhere else? smiley - winkeye

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 15

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

You're right. That was my fault.

If it had been Peregrin replying, he would have stopped long enough to wage a war between h2g2 and Lichtenstein.

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 16

Demon Drawer

Hmm now that would have been interesting. smiley - winkeye

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 17

Post Team

If this election stops being a laugh and becomes serious... I will quit also!
If you read the TWLE article in this week's POST, you would see that a few joined h2g2 after seeing the programme. I, however, joined after seeing DNA on the far superior Big Breakfast LOL
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 18

Demon Drawer

Fun, fun, fun. That has always been a main thread of our campaign. I also sling mud with amazing accuracy. More like bowling that pitching at Softball before Shazz makes a comment. smiley - winkeye

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 19


Who?! Me?!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Peregrin & Bluebottle campaign

Post 20

Demon Drawer

Yes you smiley - winkeye

*DD raised hands palm outwards ready to continue playground rhyme*

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