Take 5
Created | Updated Jun 21, 2003
Every day five or more newly approved entries are recommended on the h2g2 Main Page. These go by unnoticed to most users as they focus around their own page. This weekly article points out and reviews the most entertaining and interesting entries of the week, as far as I'm concerned anyway. My tastes do not reflect yours in any way and feel free to have completely different ideas from mine, it is, after all, a free country.
Tax.Now if you're anything like me you will hate this. You work all those hours and then the government takes a huge slice of your earnings and, after reading this entry and seeing where my hard earned money goes to, I like it even less. So join me in hating the government and taxes of all kinds.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Not the most intellectual of shows but (and remember I am male) it does have some very good looking women in it which has to make it worth watching. It is also quite a good series which doesn't take itself too seriously.
How To Pick Up A Porcupine. Not your everyday activity I must admit, but still interesting. Besides it may also work for hedgehogs.
Cigarette Butt Foraging. For students, the eternally skint, and when you have run out of fags. In my mind this has to be the grossest entry in the guide, but I would say that as I don't smoke!Even if I did I don't think I would stoop this low.
Soap Bubbles.
I was surprised someone could actually write an entry on something as plain as soap bubbles, but they have and here it is. It'll give you something to think about next time your lazing in the bath.Animals That Freeze Solid. Pretty self explanatory this one, but it is rather clever how they do it. Centuries older than cryogenics and this actually works.
Galaxy Quest - the Film. Well it got a mention in last weeks Take 5 when comparing it to 'Spaceballs' and now it has been blessed with it's very own entry. An entry that does justice to the film.
Green Death. Doesn't sound too pleasant does it? Well, what if I said it was booze... hmmm, a bit more interested now I see. Find out how to make this rather nice 'fall-over' juice right here.
Nintendo 64. I don't know whether this should be in the guide or in the orbituary pages of 'The Post'. Either way it is quite descriptive of Nintendo's ailing console. One for the fans I think.
Dope Wars. Having played this game myself I can actually pass judgement on this most bizarre piece of software. Even though it is simplistic by todays standards (come to think of it, it was simplistic a decade ago) it is still highly addictive. Find out about this strange phenomenon here.