Not Scientific Science

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The DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a unique molecule. It contains
every single piece of genetic information of a person; just like the
memory card of a PC, which contains all the data. The major
difference between the DNA and the memory card of your PC though is
that the microscopic DNA helix can store more data - actually about a
thousand times more. So, scientists have got the bright idea of
mimicking the DNA's data-storage secrets for use on your PC's memory
card. This will lead to a more compact data processing and storage

In the standard silicon-based chip1 information
processing is limited by the distance between the units which store
and process data. With DNA scaffolding however, the interconnections
can be made really short so as to increase the performance. And
that's what the scientists have been working on.

The DNA scaffolding is made up of artificial DNA 'tiles' that
automatically join together in a predetermined pattern. The so-formed
molecular fabric has many strands. These DNA strands will clip to
nanocomponents coated with the matching DNA strands. The
nanocomponents could be metallic particles that can store or process
data in form of an electric and magnetic state or they could simply be
organic molecules.

'We can now assemble a DNA scaffolding on a pre-existing template,
such as a computer chip and then assemble nanocomponents on top of the

said Richard Kiehl, a professor of electrical engineering.

This technology would enable computers to identify objects in
images in a blink of an eye. The speed at which the computer could
find the objects would near the speed of the eye and brain doing the
same thing!

Revolutions in genetics have only just begun and surprisingly we
are finding ways to put the newly found data in practice – in a
totally different way as first perceived, I might also add.

If you've got any ideas on topics I could write in this column,
just drop a

Other science issues (not too complicated don't you worry)
can be found at:


Not Scientific Science


24.03.05 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1Which is the basic unit
of practically any electrical instruments.

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